Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Browse people


Abbot, Lindsay
Abbott & Co. Ltd, , established 1860
Adams, Alun
Aikman, William, 1868–1959
Almquist, Carl, 1848-1924
Anderson, Petri, AMGP
Anderson, William Ellery
Armitage, E. Liddall, 1887-1967
Arnold, Hugh, 1872-1915
Atkinson, Thomas Dinham, 1864–1948
Awad, Huda

Bacon Brothers, Percy, about 1880–1934
Baillie, Edward, 1812-1856
Baillie, Thomas, 1815-1883
Baily, Dom Theodore, OSB, 1898-1966
Baker, Arthur, 1842-1897
Baker, F. M.
Baker, John, born 1934
Ballantine and Son, James, about 1828–about 1940
Barker, E. H. Lingen
Barnard, Leonard William, 1870-1951
Bath, (family) Henry James and Magaret
Bayne, Robert Turnill, 1837-1915
Baynes, Kenneth
Beleschenko, Alexander, born 1951
Belham & Co., S., established 1865
Bell, Alfred, 1832-1895
Bell, Frederick, 1878-1967
Bell, Reginald, 1886-1950
Bell & Son, Joseph, 1840-1996
Bell & Almond, , 1866-1872
Bellini, Giovanni, 1430-1516
Bender, Rodney, b. 1956
Benwell, Bryony
Bessant, Anna
Betton & Evans, , 1806-1861
Bewsey, John C. N., died 1940
Bird-Jones, Christine
Blackford, J.
Bleasdale, Bill
Blomfield, Sir Arthur, 1829-1899
Bodley, George Frederick, 1827-1907
Bodley & Garner, , 1869-1896
Boujioucos, Yanos
Bourne & Son, Swaine, founded 1868
Bouvier, Augustus Jules, about 1825-1881
Bowden & Co., Mark
Bradbury, Susan
Brady, Barry
Brandon, David, 1813-1897
Bristow Wadley & Co. Ltd., , est. 1909
Bromham, Sister Jen, IBVM
Brown, Ford Madox, 1821-1893
Brown, J. W., 1842-1928
Bruce Vaughan, E. M.
Bryans, Herbert, 1856-1925
Bubb, Pamela
Buckeridge, Charles, 1832/3–73
Buckfast Abbey,
Bucknall, Benjamin, 1833-1895
Budd, Jim
Bunton, Kenneth
Burges, William, 1827-1881
Burkl, Lisa
Burlison & Grylls, , 1868-1953
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley, 1833-1898
Buss, A. E., 1905-1999
Butterbach, Sylvie
Butterfield, William, 1814-1900

Camm, Walter, 1881-1967
Camm & Co., , c. 1866 - c. 1950
Camm & Co., T. W. , 1888-1960
Campbell, Charles, died 1896
Campbell & Co., J. A.
Caröe, W. D., 1857–1938
Carpenter, Jane
Carroll, Jet
Carter, John Coates, 1859-1927
Casolani, Henry, 1817–1885
Celtic Studios, , 1948–1993
Chance Brothers & Co.,
Chapel Studio, , established 1973
Child, A. E., 1875-1939
Christian, Ewan, 1814-1895
Clark, James, 1858-1943
Clarke, Harry, 1889-1931
Clarkson, Anne
Classical Glass, , established 1991
Clayton, John Richard, 1827-1913
Clayton & Bell, , 1855-1993
Clutterbuck, Charles, 1806-1861
Cole, Frederick W., 1908–1998
Cole, Herbert
Collard, James Lewis
Comper, Sir Ninian, 1864-1960
Constable, William Henry, 1831-1911
Constance, H. J.
Cook, G. E., 1844-1914
Coomber, Roy Walter, born 1930
Cooper, Robin
Cooper-Abbs, G. B., 1901–1966
Cox, Trena, 1895-1980
Cox & Son, , about 1853–1921
Crichton-Stuart, John Patrick, Third Marquess of Bute KT, 1847-1900
Crombie, James A., 1913–2000
Croney, E. G.
Crossley, F. H.
Curtis, T. F., 1845-1924

Daniells & Fricker, , about 1916–27
Daniels, George, 1854–1940
Davies, A. J., 1877-1953
Davies, Revd J. D., 1831-1911
Davies-Evans, Col. Herbert, 1842-1928
Davis, Herbert
De Broke, (family)
de Caumont, Jan, 1577–1659
Dearle, Duncan, 1893–1954
Dearle, John Henry, died 1932
Deeny, Gillian, born 1936
Dix, Arthur J., born 1861
Dixon, W. F., 1848–1928
Done & Davies, , 1859-1873
Donlin, Martin, b. 1959
Doré, Louis Christophe Gustave Paul, 1832-1883
Douglas, John, 1829-1911
Doyle, H. M., 1913–2001
Drake & Sons, , c. 1865–1957

Eadie-Reid, James, 1859-1928
Easton, Hugh, 1906-1965
Eden, F. C., 1864-1944
Edmundson, Elizabeth
Edmundson & Sons, , 1854-1890
Edwards, Carl J., 1914-1985
Edwards, John
Eginton, Francis, 1737-1805
Eldridge, Mildred, 1909-1991
Erridge, A. F., 1899-1961
Evans, Bryan Tobias
Evans, David, 1793-1861
Evans, Samuel, died 1915
Evans & Co Ltd, Charles
Evetts, Leonard Charles, 1909-1997

Farrar Bell, Michael C., 1911–1993
Feeny, Patrick, 1910-1996
Ferrey, Benjamin, 1810-1880
Ferrey, Edmund Benjamin, 1845-1900
Forrest & Bromley,
Forsyth, J. Dudley, 1874–1926
Foster, Thomas
Fourmaintraux, Pierre, 1896–1974
Fowler, Charles Busteed, fl.1890s
Fowler, J. B.
Frampton, Edward, 1845-1928
Fulleylove, Joan, 1886–1947

Gamon, Gilbert Percival, 1871-1941
Gamon & Humphry,
Gateshead Stained Glass Company, , 1879-1926
Geddes, Wilhelmina, 1887-1955
Gibbs, Charles Alexander, 1825-1877
Gibbs & Howard, I. A., established 1870s
Gibbs & Co., Alexander, 1858–1915
Gibson, John
Glantawe Studios, , established around 1982
Glasby, William, 1863-1941
Glasslight Studios,
Glyn, Susan
Goddard & Gibbs, , established 1868
Gray, C. E. G.

Hall & Sons, John, founded 1788
Halliday, G. E., 1858-1922
Hallward, Patience, 1892–1981
Hardman & Co., John, 1838-2008
Hardy, Janet
Harrison, Thomas Erat, 1858-1917
Harry Clarke Stained Glass Ltd, , 1886-1973
Hartland, John
Harvey, Harry, 1922-2011
Hay Williams, (family)
Hayman, Roger
Hayward, John, 1929–2007
Hean, Charles
Heaton, Clement, 1861-1940
Heaton, Butler & Bayne, , 1852-1953
Hemming, A. O., 1843-1907
Hiller, Henry Gustave, 1864-1946
Hiscott, Amber
Hodges, J.
Hogan, James, 1883-1948
Holiday, Henry, 1839-1927
Holland, William, 1840s-1890s
Hope, Polly
Horner, Henry P.
Howard, Simon
Howse, Melanie
Howson, Joan, 1885-1964
Hughes, Harold
Hughes, P.
Hughes, Wyndham Hope, 1849–1948
Humphrey, John
Hunt, George J.
Hunt, William Holman, 1827-1910
Hutchinson, Gerald P., 1866-1951

Jackson, Sir Thomas Graham, 1835-1924
Jenkins, William David
Jennings, John J., 1848-1919
Johnson, Edwin Arthur, died 1914
Jones, Catrin, 1960-
Jones, Graham, born 1958
Jones, Jonah, 1919-2004
Jones & Willis Ltd, , established about 1847

Kajiwara, Kuni
Kempe & Co Ltd, C.E., 1868-1934
Kempson, F. R.
Kennedy, H. A., 1855-1905
Kennedy, Henry
Kettlewell, Doritie, 1916-2014
Kettlewell, Molly, 1914-1999
King, Dennis, 1912-1995
King, Richard, 1907-1974
Klos, Joachim

Lambert, G. F., 1842/3-1926
Lavers, Barraud & Westlake, , 1855-1920s
Lee, Lawrence, 1909-2011
Lemmon, A. E., 1890-1963
Lester, Georgina
Levins, Joy
Lewis, Roy
Lewis, Tim
Lewis, Sir William Thomas, First Baron Merthyr of Senghenydd, 1837-1914
Leyland & Sons,
Lightfoot, Charles, Ltd, established 1890
Linden Glass Studios, , about 1975-1995
Linley Stained Glass, , 1994-2009
Lobin, Lucien Léopold, died 1892
Loire, Gabriel, 1904-1996
Londonderry, (family)
Lonsdale, Horatio Walter, 1844-1919
Lord, Peter
Lougher, D.J.
Loveys, Caroline
Lowe, Deborah
Lowndes, Mary, 1857-1929
Lowndes & Drury, , 1897–1973
Lucky, Paul, 1946–2015
Luxford Studios, , established 1946

Maerchant, G. L.
Maile & Son, G., 1785–1990s
Mangold, Deanne, born 1954
Mann, Frank
Mantegna, Andrea, about 1431-1506
Marouf, Lydia
Marsh, Ann
Martin, Howard, 1907-1972
Matthews, Leonard, fl. 1920s–1950s
Mayer & Co., , established 1847
Melling, William
Meredith, Joyce, 1892–1962
Meridian Stained Glass, , established 1992
Middleton, John, 1820-1885
Mileham, C. H. M., 1837-1917
Miller, William, 1803-after 1881
Minter, Muriel, 1897-1983
Moore, A. L., 1849-1939
Moore, Rupert, 1904–1982
Moore & Son, A. L., about 1874-1952
Morgan, Gareth
Morris, Colwyn, died 2011
Morris, William, 1834-1896
Morris & Co (Westminster), William, about 1901-1958
Morris & Co., , 1861-1947
Morton, Peter
Mowbray & Co., A. R.
Murphy-Devitt Studios, , 1958-1980
Murray, H. G., 1852–1929

Nash, John, 1752-1835
Nesfield, William Eden, 1835-1888
Newbery, Robert J., 1861-1940
Newlands, Rachel
Newton Whitely, J.
Nicholson, Thomas, 1823-1895
Nicholson & Sons,
Nicholson Stained Glass Studios, A. K., 1890s–1960s
Norris, Dom Charles, died 2004
Norris, Linda
North, Herbert Luck
Norton, John, 1823-1904
Nuttgens, J. A. , born 1941
Nuttgens, J. E., 1892–1982

O'Connor, Michael, 1801-1867
O'Connor, Michael and Arthur
O'Malley, Brigid
Oliphant, F. W., 1818-1859
Ormsby, J.
Owen, Trude

Pace, George, 1915-1975
Paley & Austin, , 1867-1916
Parlby, George Measures, 1856–1944
Parsons, Karl, 1884-1934
Payne, Edward, 1906–91
Pearce Ltd, William, 1890s-1930s
Pearl, David, born 1952
Pearson, John Loughborough, RA, 1817-1897
Pendle Stained Glass Ltd,
Pennant, Lord Penrhyn Edward Gordon Douglas, First Baron Penrhyn of Llandegai, died 1886
Penson, R. K., 1816-1886
Penson, Thomas, 1790-1859
Pentelow, Graham, born 1954
Penwarden, Ernest
Perkins, Alvin
Petts, John, 1914-1991
Phillips, Christian
Phillips, Rachel
Piper, John, 1903-1992
Poensgen, Jochem
Pollen, J. H., 1820-1902
Porter, J. M., 1863-1942
Powell, Charles, 1850/51-1934
Powell, Christopher Charles, 1876-1955
Powell, Dunstan
Powell, Hugh, 1920-1994
Powell, John Hardman, 1827–1895
Powell & Sons, James, 1834-1980
Poynter, Sir Edward, 1836-1919
Preedy, Frederick, 1820-1898
Prichard, John, 1818–1886
Prinknash Abbey,
Pritchard, Drew
Prothero and Phillott,
Pugin, A.W.N., 1812-1852

Quail, Paul, 1927/8-2010

Randall, Terence D., born 1923
Rapport, Frances
Recclesia Stained Glass, , 2009-
Redkite Art, Glass & Restoration,
Reni, Guido, 1575-1642
Reyntiens, Patrick, born 1925
Rhys-Williams, Dame Juliet
Rice, Bernard, 1874–?1930s
Richards, Ceri, 1903-1971
Richards, Simon
Richmond, Sir William, RA, 1842-1921
Ritchie, Archibald, fl. 1835–86
Robinson, A. W., 1888-1955
Robinson, D. W.
Robinson, Geoffrey, born 1935
Rogers, George
Rope, Margaret Agnes, 1882-1953
Roper, Frank, 1914-2000
Rowlands & Co., J. V.
Rowson, G. A.
Ryan, Christian

Salisbury, H. J., about 1891-1920
Salusbury, Sarah
Salusbury, Theodora, 1875-1956
Saunders & Co., , 1869-1880
Savell & Co.,
Schaffrath, Ludwig, 1924–2011
Schreiter, Johannes, born 1930
Schrinner, Rika
Scott, George Gilbert, Sir, 1811-1878
Scott, Sir Giles Gilbert, 1880-1960
Scott, John Oldrid
Sedding, John Dando, 1838-1891
Seddon, John Pollard, 1827–1906
Seward & Co., A.
Shades of Light Ltd.,
Shields, Frederic, 1833-1911
Shrigley & Hunt, , 1874-1982
Simpson & Sons, W. B., founded 1833
Skeat, Francis, born 1909
Skilbeck, Clement, 1865-1954
Smith, Gerald Edward Roberts, 1883-1959
Solaglas Ltd, , established 1982
Sparrow, J. Silvester, 1862-1929
Spear, Francis, 1902-1979
Spooner, M. D., 1867-1949
Stammers, Harry, 1902-1969
Stephens, Revd Francis, 1921-2002
Stewart, (family)
Street, George Edmund, 1824-1881
Stubington, Richard, 1885-1966
Suffling, E. R., 1855-1911
Sumner, Maud Francis Eyston, 1902–1985
Swann, Bill

Tate, Tiffany
Taylor, W. G.
Thomas, D. E.
Thomas, Hubert, 1913-1995
Thomas, R.G.
Thomas, Thomas, 1817-1888
Toft, C. G., established 1968
Travers, Martin, 1886-1948
Troughton, Revd John Ellis
Tute, Charles Edward, 1858-1927

Underwood, Henry Jones, 1804-1852

Van Daele,
van Orley, Bernaert, about 1488 - 1541
Vidal, Colette
Voelcker, Adam and Frances, Established 1982
Vulliamy, Edwyn Papendiek
Vulliamy, Lewis, 1791-1871

Wailes, William, 1838-1914
Walker, Arthur, 1891-1966
Walker, Leonard, 1879-1965
Walters, Marjorie
Ward, Arthur L.
Ward & Hughes, , about 1836 - 1920s
Warren, E. P.
Warrington, William
Washbrook, Richard
Waterhouse, Alfred, 1830-1905
Webb, Christopher, 1886-1966
Webb, Geoffrey, 1879-1954
Weightman & Bullen, , established 1912
Weightman & Hadfield, , 1838-58
Welch, John
Westlake, Nathaniel Hubert John, 1833-1921
Whall, Christopher, 1849-1924
Whall, Veronica, 1887-1970
Whitcombe, Charles Ford
Whittaker, Helen
Whittington, William
Wilkinson, Alfred L., 1899-1983
Wilkinson, Horace, 1866-1957
Williams, Stanley, born 1948
Williams, Stephen W., 1837-1899
Williams & Watson Ltd, , established 1820
Williams, Gamon & Co.,
Willoughby de Broke, Lady Margaret
Wilson, Henry, 1864-1934
Winbolt, John, 1867-1952
Wippell & Co. Ltd, J., founded 1789
Withers, R. J., 1824–94
Woodcock, Evelyn May, ARCA, born 1894
Woodroffe, Paul, 1875-1954
Wooldridge, Harry Ellis, 1845-1917
Woore, Edward A., 1880-1960
Wright, Edwin, 1889–1962
Wyatt, Thomas Henry, 1807-1880
Wynn, (family)

Young, Bryn
Younger, Alan, 1933–2004

Zettler, F., about 1838 - about 1908


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