Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Williams, Gamon & Co.

Stained glass studio established in Chester in the early part of the twentieth century by David Walter Heathcote Williams and Geoffrey P. Gamon. The latter was the brother Gilbert Percival Gamon, who trained with Shrigley & Hunt and worked in London before and after the war, although he may have moved to Chester by 1926.

The firm made First World War memorial windows designed by Bernard Rice and the first known window by Trena Cox. Her studio was located in, or adjacent to, their premises into the 1930s.

Geoffrey Gamon died in 1947.

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Your search found 1 result
  Christ with Servicemen Christ with Servicemen
firm/studio: Williams, Gamon & Co.
designer: probably Bernard Rice
about 1920
Tabernacle Congregational Church, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire
Further reading

Peter Jones, 'Trena Cox: Emergence of a Stained Glass Artist' Historic Churches, no. 19 (2012), 11-14.

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