Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Robert Turnill Bayne (1837-1915)

Stained glass designer. Robert Turnill Bayne was a pupil of J.R. Clayton before joining the firm of Heaton & Butler as a designer around 1860. He became a partner of the firm in 1862.

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Your search found 2 results plus 1 tentative attribution.

Include tentative attributions

  The Baptism of Christ and the Agony in the Garden The Baptism of Christ and the Agony in the Garden
firm/studio: Heaton, Butler & Bayne
designer: Robert Turnill Bayne
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Abbey Cwmhir, Powys
chancel (window number: sIII)
 I am the Good Shepherd I am the Good Shepherd
firm/studio: Heaton, Butler & Bayne
designer: Robert Turnill Bayne
Church of St Mary the Virgin, Abbey Cwmhir, Powys
north wall of the chancel (window number: nII)
Further reading

William Waters, Angels & Icons: Pre-Raphaelite Stained Glass 1850–1870 (Abbots Morton: Serapim Press, 2012), pp. 170–98.

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