Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Bernard Rice (1874–?1930s)

Bernard Rice was born in Birmingham, but attended Munich Art School and then worked at the Tiroler Glasmalerei und Mosaik Anstalt in Innsbruck, becoming its artistic director. Many windows by him can be found in Innsbruck. He returned to England in around 1919. He was associated with Williams, Gamon & Co. and designed windows made by the firm. His son, also Bernard Rice, was also a noted artist.

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  Christ with Servicemen Christ with Servicemen
firm/studio: Williams, Gamon & Co.
designer: probably Bernard Rice
about 1920
Tabernacle Congregational Church, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire

Barrie Armstrong and Wendy Armstrong, The Arts and Crafts Movement in the North West of England: A Handbook (Wetherby: Oblong, 2005), p. 258.

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