Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Jan de Caumont (1577–1659)

Jan de Caumont was born in France and worked in Leuven (Louvain) as a glass painter in the seventeenth century. He was responsible a series of 41 windows painted for the ambulatory at Park Abbey, near Leuven.

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  St John with the Governor of the Netherlands St John with the Governor of the Netherlands
artist: Jan de Caumont
Church of St Gwenllwyfo, Dulas, Anglesey
south wall of the nave (window number: nVII)
Further reading

Ellen M. Shortell, 'Visionary Saints in the Gilded Age: the American Afterlife of the Park Abbey Glass' (Bern: CVMA, 2012), pp. 239–52.

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