Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

A. Seward & Co.

Lancaster firm founded by Abraham Seward (1760-1823) and then Charles Seward, who was working in the 1820s. In 1930 the proprietor was C.F. Seward, and the firm was still working into the late 1950s.

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Signatures and maker's marks
  Inscription and Signature    from    Christ the Good Shepherd Inscription and Signature
from Christ the Good Shepherd

about 1923
Church of St Mor and St Deiniol, Llanfor, Gwynedd
north wall of the nave

J. Knowles, 'Glass-Painters 1750–1850 (Part III)' Journal of the British Society of Master Glass-Painters, vol. xiii, no. 3 (1961–2), 517–18.

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