Visiting stained glass

Architectural stained glass is commonly found in places of worship but may also be found in some other public buildings and private houses.
The Church in Wales
The vast majority of pictorial stained glass is found in Anglican parish
churches in the ownership of the Representative Body of the Church in
Wales. Contact details and links to parish and ministry area websites may be found on the site.
Friends of Friendless Churches
The Friends care for dozens of redundant historic churches across England and Wales,
many of which are usually open for visitors.
Wrexham Open Church Network
Church trail with information on visiting churches in and around Wrexham.
Enjoy Medieval Denbighshire
Visitor information for medieval sites and buildings in Denbighshire, including
many historic churches.
Meini Bywiol
Church trail including 15 churches and chapels in north Mongomeryshire.
Peaceful Places
Churches and chapels in North Ceredigion.
Saints & Stones Pilgrimage
Several church trails centred around routes to St Davids.
The following sites are also useful sources of information for many of the sites
included in the catalogue:
Online database of the National Monuments Record of Wales, listing
information about the historic environment of Wales.
CPAT Historic Churches Survey
Detailed architectural survey of pre-nineteenth century parish churches in the
former counties of Clwyd and Powys.