Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Site feedback questionnaire

We would appreciate your feedback to help us improve this catalogue in the future. Please answer the questions below and add any comments in the boxes provided.

If this is your first visit and you expect to return to the site, please complete Part 1 now and complete Parts 2 and 3 at a later stage.
If you have already completed Part 1 on a previous occasion please go to Part 2

If you want to make a specific comment about a particular window; artist, designer or maker; or a site, please return to the page that you came from and use the Submit a comment, correction or additional information link.

Llenwch y ffurflen yn y Gymraeg

Part 1: Finding the catalogue

1. Is this your first visit to the site?
2. How did you initially find the site? (please select all that apply)
Search term used:
Site name or URL:
3. What is your main interest in the catalogue? (Please tick one or two.)
Stained glass artists or firms: 
Local or Welsh History: 
Church history: 
Biblical/religious images: 
4. Are you likely to visit the site again?
Never:    Sometimes:    Frequently:
5. Do you regularly visit other stained glass sites? Please give details:
If you would like to make more detailed comments on the site please complete Parts 2 and 3 below.

Part 2: Using the catalogue

1. Did you use (please select)
Quick search box:Did this find what you were looking for?
Yes:    No:    Sometimes:
Search page:Did this find what you were looking for?
Yes:    No:    Sometimes:
Browse lists:Did this find what you were looking for?
Yes:    No:    Sometimes:
2. Would you find it useful to browse or search using a map?
Yes:    No:
3. Can you suggest any improvements for the searching, design or layout of the site? If so, please give details
4. Which of the following cataloguing information do you find most important? (select as appropriate):
Attribution and dating of windows:Useful:    Essential:
Subject indexing (main scenes):Useful:    Essential:
Subject indexing (minor details, e.g. flowers, animals, symbols):Useful:    Essential:
Biblical inscriptions & referencing:Useful:    Essential:
Transcriptions of dedications:Useful:    Essential:
Descriptive notes:Useful:    Essential:
Interpretative notes:Useful:    Essential:
Architectural history and context:Useful:    Essential:
Biographical information about makers and firms:Useful:    Essential:
Bibliographical references:Useful:    Essential:
Large images and details:Useful:    Essential:
5. Please add any further comments:

Part 3: Developing the catalogue

1. Would you prefer to read the site in Welsh?
Yes:    No:
2. Have you made any comments to add to, or correct, information?
Yes:    No:
3. Do you think you might in the future?
Yes:    No:
4. Would you be interested in the ability to save and view your favourites, make and save your own private notes or share with others via Facebook or Twitter?
Yes:    No:
Please add any further comments:
5. Currently most of the examples are from places of worship in Wales. Would you find it valuable to search and browse more examples from other kinds of context (e.g. hospitals, schools, private houses etc)?
Yes:    No:
Please add any further comments:
6. Would you find a similar catalogue that covered other regions and countries useful?
Yes:    No:
Any particular regions or countries? Which one(s)?:
Would you be interested in contributing to this?    Yes:    No:
Please add any further comments:
7. We are considering a facility that would allow users to add information and images to the catalogue, in order to build up a more comprehensive catalogue of stained and architectural glass. Would you be interested in providing:
Images of windows?    Yes:    No:
Details of windows?    Yes:    No:
8. Please add any further comments:
The following information is optional
Forms may be submitted anonymously but the editor cannot respond to enquiries unless contact details are entered, which will be kept confidential.

Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies

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