Can you help?

Finding even the most basic information about windows, such as
the name of the artist or studio responsible, or the date a window was made, can
be difficult. Often the details relating to the particularities of individual
commissions are unknown. Much of the research presented on this catalogue is the
result of fieldwork rather than the study of archival sources. Any new attributions
and dating (or corrections of previous attributions and dating) has been through the
observation of makers' marks and signatures or the identification of a design or style
with other attributed works. Use of other sources has been acknowledged where
If you are able to provide further information about a window included in the
catalogue, please use the link on the page to send further information, corrections or comments,
which will be added to the relevant record with acknowledgement.
Although the funding for the project has come to an end, the catalogue is still growing
and being updated as new information to comes to light. Further windows are
being added and there is
now an opportunity for users to contribute further
windows to the catalogue. Please email to request a link to add details of windows
and architectural glass, with a brief note of the material that you would like to add. It is also possible to attach photographs if you have them.
We value comments and suggestions about the site and would be grateful if you would take the time to complete our
brief questionnaire. This user feedback will help us demonstrate the demand for new or improved features, or additional content, to potential funding bodies, thereby enabling the improvement of the catalogue in the future.
Martin Crampin (