Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Goddard & Gibbs (established 1868)

Decorative glass studio working in the production and restoration of traditional stained glass as well as contemporary architectural glass. The firm was initially established as Walter Gibbs & Sons on Blackfriars Road in London. The studio was taken over by James Clark & Sons, and in 1938 acquired Goddards Glass Works. The firm was subsequently taken over by James Clark & Eaton, and in 1978 the studio was bought by Charles Clark. Their chief designer after this was John Lawson (1932-2009), who had joined the firm in 1970 from Faithcraft. Other designers for the firm included A.E. Buss, George Cooper-Abbs and Caroline Swash.

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Signatures and maker's marks
  Signature    from    The Baptism of Christ Signature
from The Baptism of Christ

Whitson Church, Whitson, Newport
south wall of the nave (baptistry)
Further reading

John Lawson, 'Faith Craft Works and Goddard & Gibbs Studio Ltd' The Journal of Stained Glass, vol. xxiii (1999), 55–61.

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