Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru
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The artworks on this Catalogue are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.


73D8 the instruments of the Passion and the five wounded limbs 34 works.
73D82(COLUMN) column (of the flagellation) - instruments of the Passion 1 work.
73D82(CROWN OF THORNS) crown of thorns - instruments of the Passion 22 works.
73D82(DICE) dice ~ instruments of the Passion 1 work.
73D82(FLAGELLUM) flagellum ~ instruments of the Passion 1 work.
73D82(LADDER) ladder - instruments of the Passion 1 work.
73D82(NAILS) nails ~ instruments of the Passion 4 works.
73D82(SEAMLESS GARMENT) seamless garment ~ instruments of the Passion 1 work.

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Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies

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