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The artworks on this Catalogue are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.
73D7 from Christ's deposition to his entombment (Matthew 27:58-66; Mark 15:46-47; Luke 23:53-56; John 19:39-42)
73D71 descent from the cross: Christ is taken down from the cross 10 works. 73D714 the empty cross(es) on Calvary - the Passion of Christ 14 works. 73D72 the mourning over the dead Christ 8 works. 73D722 Pietà , 'Vesperbild', 'Marienklage': Christ, either with or without crown of thorns, mourned by Mary 5 works. 73D731 half or three-quarter figure of the Man of Sorrows 1 work. 73D74 bearing of Christ's body to the grave - from Christ's deposition to his entombment 2 works. 73D76 Christ's entombment 17 works. 73D761 Christ lying in the sarcophagus 1 work. 73D7741 the sealing of Christ's tomb - events after Christ's entombment 1 work. 73D7742 soldiers guarding the sepulchre of Christ 3 works. Browse full subject index
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