Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru
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The artworks on this Catalogue are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.

73D4 from Pilate's palace to Golgotha: the procession to Calvary (Matthew 27:31-33; Mark 15:20-22; Luke 23:26-33; John 19:17)

73D41 carrying of the cross: Christ bearing the cross, alone or with the help of others 20 works.
73D411 Christ collapsing - carrying of the cross 3 works.
73D4112 the second fall - Christ carrying the cross 1 work.
73D412 Simon the Cyrenian compelled to help Christ to bear the cross 2 works.
73D413 Christ meets Mary, who sometimes swoons - Christ carrying the cross 3 works.
73D414 Christ bewailed by women of Jerusalem; sometimes he consoles them - carrying of the cross 1 work.
73D415 Christ meets Veronica, who has a cloth to wipe Christ's face - carrying of the cross 3 works.
73D42 Christ is led to Golgotha, the cross is carried by others 1 work.
73D431 the 14 Franciscan stations of the cross 1 work.

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Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies

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