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The artworks on this Catalogue are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.
73C5 miracles of Christ: raising of the dead
73C511 Christ touches the bier of the son of the widow of Nain: the young man sits up - miracles of Christ 6 works. 73C52 the story of Lazarus - miracles of Christ 4 works. 73C5211 Martha meets Christ at the gate of Bethany - the story of Lazarus 18 works. 73C5212 Mary kneels weeping before Christ; sometimes Christ is also shown weeping - the story of Lazarus 6 works. 73C523 the raising of Lazarus ('Lazarus, come out') 12 works. 73C53 raising of the daughter of Jairus - miracles of Christ 14 works. 73C53*A Jairus' daughter with her parents - raising of the daughter of Jairus 1 work. Browse full subject index
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