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The artworks on this Catalogue are subject indexed using the Iconclass Classification System.

11H saints

11H(AELHAIARN) St Aelhaiarn 2 works.
11H(AFAN) St Afan 1 work.
11H(ALBAN) St Alban, British Saint and Martyr 12 works.
11H(ALBAN)6 martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of St Alban 1 work.
11H(ALOYSIUS GONZAGA) the Jesuit friar Aloysius Gonzaga 1 work.
11H(AMBROSE) Ambrose, bishop of Milan 5 works.
11H(ANDREW) the apostle Andrew 16 works.
11H(ANTONY OF PADUA) the Franciscan monk Antony of Padua 4 works.
11H(ANTONY OF PADUA)51 to convince a Jew, St Antony of Padua leads an ass before the chalice and host; the ass kneels down 1 work.
11H(ASAPH) St Asaph 18 works.
11H(AUGUSTINE) Augustine, bishop of Hippo 6 works.
11H(AUGUSTINE)2 early life of St. Augustine 1 work.
11H(BARNABAS) the apostle and martyr Barnabas of Cyprus, first bishop of Milan 9 works.
11H(BARTHOLOMEW) the apostle Bartholomew 2 works.
11H(BASIL THE GREAT) Basil the Great (Basilius Magnus), bishop of Caesarea 2 works.
11H(BENEDICT) Benedict of Nurcia, abbot of Monte Cassino and founder of the Benedictine Order 6 works.
11H(BERNARD) Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian monk and abbot 4 works.
11H(BEUNO) St Beuno 7 works.
11H(BONAVENTURA) Bonaventura, cardinal bishop of Albano and Minister General of the Franciscan Order 1 work.
11H(BOTOLPH) St Botolph 1 work.
11H(BRYCHAN) Brychan Brycheiniog 2 works.
11H(BRYNACH) St Brynach 4 works.
11H(BUAN) St Buan, confessor 1 work.
11H(CADFAN) St Cadfan, abbot of Bardsey 4 works.
11H(CADOG) St Cadog 8 works.
11H(CARADOG) St Caradog 1 work.
11H(CARANNOG) St Carannog 3 works.
11H(CENNYDD) St Cennydd 5 works.
11H(CHAD) St Chad 4 works.
11H(CHARLES BORROMEO) Charles Borromeo, cardinal of Milan 2 works.
11H(CHRISTOPHER) the giant and martyr Christophorus 5 works.
11H(CHRISTOPHER)51 St. Christopher, with the infant Christ on his shoulders, wading through the water and carrying his staff (palm-tree) 12 works.
11H(CHRYSANTHUS) St Chrysanthus 1 work.
11H(CLEMENT) Clement I, pope and martyr 2 works.
11H(COLLEN) St Collen 2 works.
11H(COLUMBA) St. Columba 2 works.
11H(CONSTANTINE) the Roman emperor Constantine the Great 1 work.
11H(CURIG) St Curig 1 work.
11H(CUTHBERT) St Cuthbert 1 work.
11H(CYBI) St Cybi 3 works.
11H(CYFELACH) St Cyfelach 1 work.
11H(CYNDEYRN) St Cyndeyrn, or Kentigern 7 works.
11H(CYNIDR) St Cynidr 1 work.
11H(CYNOG) St Cynog 1 work.
11H(CYNWYL) St Cynwyl 1 work.
11H(DAVID LEWIS) St David Lewis 1 work.
11H(DAVID) St David 141 works.
11H(DEINIOL) St Deiniol 24 works.
11H(DENYS) St Denys of France 1 work.
11H(DIGAIN) St Digain 1 work.
11H(DOGFAN) St Dogfan 1 work.
11H(DONAT) St Donat 1 work.
11H(DUNAWD) St Dunawd 3 works.
11H(DYFRIG) St Dyfrig, St Dubricius 13 works.
11H(EDMUND) Edmund, king of East Anglia and martyr; possible attributes: arrow, bear, cross, crown, sceptre 6 works.
11H(EDWARD) Edward the Confessor (1003x5-1066) 3 works.
11H(EDWARD)511 St. Edward the Confessor gives his ring to St. John the Evangelist, who is disguised as a beggar 1 work.
11H(ELFAN) St Elfan 3 works.
11H(ELFOD) St Elfod (Elbotus) 2 works.
11H(ELIAN) St Elian 1 work.
11H(ELIDAN) St Elidan 1 work.
11H(EUDDOGWY) St Euddogwy or Oudoceus 1 work.
11H(EUSTACE) Roman soldier and hunter Eustace (Eustachius, Eustathius) 1 work.
11H(FIDELIS) the Franciscan and Capuchin friar and martyr, Fidelis of Sigmaringen 1 work.
11H(FRANCIS) founder of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), Francis(cus) of Assisi 34 works.
11H(GEORGE) the warrior martyr George (Georgius) 47 works.
11H(GEORGE)41 St. George and the dragon 17 works.
11H(GERMANUS) St. Germanus of Auxerre 5 works.
11H(GILDAS) St Gildas 3 works.
11H(GILES) St Giles 2 works.
11H(GREGORY THE ENLIGHTENER) Gregory the Enlightener, or Illuminator, apostle of Armenia 1 work.
11H(GREGORY) pope Gregory the Great; possible attributes: dove, emperor Trajan 3 works.
11H(GREGORY)51 the mass of St Gregory the Great: Christ appears above the altar with the instruments of the Passion; maybe blood spouts from Christ's side 1 work.
11H(GUDWAL) St Gudwal 1 work.
11H(GWYNAN) St Gwynan 2 works.
11H(GWYNHOEDL) St Gwynhoedl 1 work.
11H(GWYNLLYW) St Gwynllyw 4 works.
11H(HUGH OF LINCOLN) the Carthusian monk and bishop of Lincoln, Hugh (Hugo) 2 works.
11H(IDLOES) St Idloes 1 work.
11H(IGNATIUS) the founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola 1 work.
11H(ILLTUD) St Illtud 20 works.
11H(ISSELL) St Issell, or Usyllt 1 work.
11H(JAMES THE GREAT) the apostle James the Great 18 works.
11H(JAMES THE LESS) the apostle James the Less, first bishop of Jerusalem 1 work.
11H(JEROME) the monk and hermit Jerome (Hieronymus) 3 works.
11H(JOHN LLOYD) St John Lloyd 1 work.
11H(JOHN OF THE CROSS) the Carmelite friar and mystic John of the Cross 1 work.
11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST) John the Baptist 41 works.
11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST)2 John the Baptist as a child 8 works.
11H(JOHN) the apostle John the Evangelist 89 works.
11H(JOHN)12 St. John the Evangelist writing the Gospel, usually the eagle present 3 works.
11H(JOSEPH OF ARIMATHAEA) the Jewish councillor Joseph of Arimathaea 5 works.
11H(JOSEPH) the foster-father of Christ, Joseph of Nazareth; possible attributes: flowering rod or wand, lily, carpenter's tools 7 works.
11H(JUDE THADDAEUS) the apostle Jude Thaddaeus; possible attributes: book, club, halberd, scroll 4 works.
11H(JUDOC) the hermit Judoc 1 work.
11H(JULIAN) Julian the Hospitaller (Julian(us) Hospitator) 2 works.
11H(JUSTINIAN) St Justinian 1 work.
11H(LAURENCE) the martyr and deacon Laurence of Rome; possible attributes: book, censer, cross, dalmatic, gridiron, palm, purse (or cup with golden coins) 2 works.
11H(LLEUDDAD) St Lleuddad, abbot of Bardsey 1 work.
11H(LLWCHAIARN) St Llwchaiarn 1 work.
11H(LONGINUS) the soldier Longinus (the centurion) of Caesarea 2 works.
11H(LUKE) Luke the evangelist 32 works.
11H(LUKE)12 St. Luke writing his gospel, usually a (winged) ox present 1 work.
11H(LUKE)121 St. Luke writing his gospel, St. Paul present 2 works.
11H(MADOG) St Madog, or St Aidan of Ferns 2 works.
11H(MAEL) St Mael 1 work.
11H(MAELOG) St Maelog 1 work.
11H(MAGLORIUS) St Maglorius 1 work.
11H(MARK) Mark (Marcus) the evangelist, and bishop of Alexandria 7 works.
11H(MARK)12 St. Mark the evangelist writing the Gospel, usually a (winged) lion present 1 work.
11H(MARK)121 St. Mark writing the Gospel, Peter present 1 work.
11H(MARTIN) Martin(us), bishop of Tours 17 works.
11H(MARTIN)41 St. Martin divides his cloak (i.e. the charity of St. Martin) 10 works.
11H(MATTHEW) the apostle and evangelist Matthew (Mattheus) 8 works.
11H(MATTHEW)12 St. Matthew writing the Gospel, usually the angel present, dictating or assisting him 5 works.
11H(MATTHIAS) the apostle and martyr Matthias; possible attributes: axe, book, cross, halberd, scroll, sword 3 works.
11H(MAURICE) the (negro-)warrior Maurice (Mauritius) of Agaunum, commander of the Theban Legion, and martyr; 4 works.
11H(NICHOLAS) the bishop Nicholas of Myra (or Bari) 20 works.
11H(OSWALD) Oswald, king of Northumbria and martyr 5 works.
11H(PADARN) St Padarn 8 works.
11H(PATRICK) St Patrick 15 works.
11H(PAUL) the apostle Paul of Tarsus 57 works.
11H(PAUL)12 St. Paul writing his epistles 1 work.
11H(PAULINUS) St Paulinus 4 works.
11H(PEBLIG) St Peblig 1 work.
11H(PERIS) St Peris 1 work.
11H(PETER) the apostle Peter, first bishop of Rome 74 works.
11H(PETROG) St Petrog 2 works.
11H(PHILIP EVANS) St Philip Evans 1 work.
11H(PHILIP) the apostle Philip; possible attributes: book, cross, dish with snake, lance, scroll, stone, sword 3 works.
11H(POTENTINUS) St Potentinus 1 work.
11H(PUDENS) Pudens - early Roman Christian 1 work.
11H(RHIDIAN) St Rhidian 1 work.
11H(RHYCHWYN) St Rhychwyn 1 work.
11H(RHYSTUD) St Rhystud 1 work.
11H(RICHARD GWYN) Richard Gwyn, Catholic martyr (1536-1584) 1 work.
11H(SAMSON) St Samson 1 work.
11H(SANNAN) Senan, bishop and confessor 2 works.
11H(SEBASTIAN)621 St. Sebastian pierced by arrows, the archers visible - martyrdom of Sebastian 1 work.
11H(SEIRIOL) St Seiriol 9 works.
11H(SILAS) Silas 1 work.
11H(SIMEON) Simeon Christophorus (the Just, the Grey) 2 works.
11H(SIMON) the apostle Simon Zelotes (or Simon the Canaanite); possible attributes: book, saw, scroll 3 works.
11H(STEPHEN) the deacon and (proto)martyr Stephen 21 works.
11H(SULIEN) St Sulien 1 work.
11H(SWITHUN) St Swithun 1 work.
11H(TADIOC) St Tadioc 1 work.
11H(TEGWELL) St Tegwell 1 work.
11H(TEGWYN) St Tegwyn 1 work.
11H(TEILO) St Teilo 20 works.
11H(THEODORE) St Theodore 3 works.
11H(THOMAS BECKET) the martyr Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury 3 works.
11H(THOMAS BECKET)68 before the altar St Thomas Becket is killed with a sword by four assassins (knights) 4 works.
11H(THOMAS) the apostle Thomas 5 works.
11H(TIMOTHY)2 Timothy - early life of male saint 2 works.
11H(TRILLO) St Trilo 1 work.
11H(TWROG) St Twrog 1 work.
11H(TYDECHO) St Tydecho 2 works.
11H(TYDECHO)6 martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of St. Tydecho 1 work.
11H(TYRNOG) St Tyrnog 1 work.
11H(TYSILIO) St Tysilio 3 works.
11H(VALENTINE) St Valentine 1 work.
11HH(AGNES) the virgin martyr Agnes of Rome; possible attributes: lamb, ring 10 works.
11HH(AGNES)63 an angel brings St Agnes a white cloak (or surrounds her with a shining light) 1 work.
11HH(AGNES)65 St Agnes tied to the stake remains unharmed; the executioners are consumed by the fire 1 work.
11HH(ANNA THE PROPHETESS) Anna (prophetess) 8 works.
11HH(ANNA) Anna, mother of Mary; possible attributes: book, Christ-child, lily, Virgin Mary 9 works.
11HH(APOLLONIA) the virgin martyr Apollonia of Alexandria 2 works.
11HH(BARBARA) the virgin martyr Barbara 6 works.
11HH(BRIGID) the abbess of Kildare, Brigid (Bridget) of Ireland 10 works.
11HH(CAIN) St Cain 2 works.
11HH(CATHERINE OF SIENA) the virgin and Dominican Tertiary, Catherine of Siena 3 works.
11HH(CATHERINE) the virgin martyr Catherine of Alexandria 22 works.
11HH(CATHERINE)34 the mystic marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria with the infant Christ: the Christ-child puts a ring on her finger 2 works.
11HH(CATHERINE)68 St Catherine of Alexandria is beheaded 1 work.
11HH(CECILIA) the virgin martyr Cecilia of Rome 40 works.
11HH(CEINWEN) St Ceinwen 1 work.
11HH(CLARE) the virgin and foundress of the Order of Minoresses (or Poor Clares), Clare of Assisi 2 works.
11HH(CLAUDIA RUFINA) Claudia Rufina - British princess and early Roman Christian 1 work.
11HH(DOROTHEA) the virgin martyr Dorothea of Caesarea 5 works.
11HH(EILIWEDD) the virgin martyr Eliwedd, Alud or Almedha 1 work.
11HH(ELISABETH OF HUNGARY) St Elisabeth of Hungary - the wife and widow of the Landgrave of Thuringia, and Franciscan Tertiary 6 works.
11HH(ELIZABETH) Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist 22 works.
11HH(ELLI) St Elli 1 work.
11HH(EMILY) St Emily 1 work.
11HH(ERFYL) St Erfyl 1 work.
11HH(EUNICE) Eunice, mother of Timothy 2 works.
11HH(FRANCES) the widow and foundress of the Oblates of Tor de' Specchi, Frances of Rome (Francesca Romana) 3 works.
11HH(FRIDESWIDE) St Frideswide 1 work.
11HH(GERTRUDE OF NIVELLES) the abbess Gertrude of Nivelles; possible attributes: book, pastoral staff, crown, cup, demon, mouse or mice, model of church or hospital, palm, (healing) well 1 work.
11HH(GERTRUDE) the Cistercian nun (and abbess) Gertrude the Great of Helfta 1 work.
11HH(GWENDOLINE) St Gwendoline 1 work.
11HH(GWENFAEN) St Gwenfaen 1 work.
11HH(GWENOG) St Gwenog 1 work.
11HH(GWLADYS) St Gwladys 4 works.
11HH(HELEN) St Helen 5 works.
11HH(HILDA) St Hilda 4 works.
11HH(JOAN OF ARC) Joan of Arc 3 works.
11HH(LLYR) St Llyr 1 work.
11HH(LUCY) the virgin martyr Lucy (Lucia) of Syracuse 1 work.
11HH(LYDIA) Lydia, seller of purple 3 works.
11HH(MACHES) St Maches 1 work.
11HH(MARCHELL) St Marchell 2 works.
11HH(MARGARET OF SCOTLAND) Margaret of Scotland 7 works.
11HH(MARGARET) the virgin martyr Margaret of Antioch 12 works.
11HH(MARTHA) the patroness of housewives, Martha of Bethany; possible attributes: aspergillum, broom, bunch of keys, dragon, ladle 3 works.
11HH(MARY CLEOPHAS) Mary Cleophas 1 work.
11HH(MARY MAGDALENE OF FLORENCE) Mary Magdalene of Florence 1 work.
11HH(MARY MAGDALENE) the penitent harlot Mary Magdalene 18 works.
11HH(MELANGELL) St Melangell 1 work.
11HH(MONICA) St Monica 1 work.
11HH(NON) St Non 7 works.
11HH(PERPETUA & FELICITAS) the martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas (Felicity) of Carthage 1 work.
11HH(PRASSEDES) St Prassedes 1 work.
11HH(PUDENTIANA) St Pudentiana 1 work.
11HH(THERESA) the foundress of the reformed (Discalced) Carmelites, Theresa of Avila; possible attributes: angel, arrow, dove, heart (flaming or pierced by an arrow) 2 works.
11HH(THERESE) St Therese of Lisieux 2 works.
11HH(TUDFUL) St Tudful 5 works.
11HH(URSULA) St Ursula 1 work.
11HH(WINEFRIDE) St Winefride, St Gwenfrewy 16 works.

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