Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

George Daniels (1854–1940)

Stained glass designer and maker. George Daniels (sometimes Daniel or Daniells) was apprenticed to Clayton & Bell in the 1870s and worked as a cartoonist at the firm for forty years until 1920. He also worked for Mayer of Munich from 1895 until the outbreak of war, and collaborated over long periods with Horace Wilkinson and F.C. Eden. He was also in partnership as Daniels & Fricker from 1916 for about ten years.

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Your search found 2 results plus 1 tentative attribution.

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  Virgin and Child with St Christopher and St Michael Virgin and Child with St Christopher and St Michael
designer: F. C. Eden
artist: George Daniels
Church of St Mary, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire
east wall of the chancel (window number: I)
  St Lucy and a Kneeling Woman St Lucy and a Kneeling Woman
artist: F. C. Eden
cartoonist: George Daniels
Church of St Deiniol, Hawarden, Flintshire
west window of porch (window number: sIX)

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