Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Joyce Meredith (1892–1962)

Stained glass artist. Joyce Meredith studied at Liverpool School of Art and also with Christopher Whall.

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Your search found 2 results
  Memorial Window Memorial Window
artist: Joyce Meredith
about 1915
Church of St Cynfryd, Llanddulas, Conwy
north wall of the nave
  St Catherine of Siena and St Margaret of Scotland St Catherine of Siena and St Margaret of Scotland
artist: Joyce Meredith
Church of St Egwad, Llanegwad, Carmarthenshire
south wall of the nave
Further reading

Alan Brooks and Peter Cormack, 'The Artists of the Glass House' The Journal of Stained Glass, vol. xli (2017), 34.

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