Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

John Carter (1848–1901)

Designer responsible for hundreds of windows made for Charles Eamer Kempe in the last two decades of the nineteenth century. John Thomas Carter became an assistant to Kempe in about 1869, designing windows for him throughout the 1870s, and assuming the role of chief designer in around 1878 until his retirement in 1895.

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Your search found 2 results
  Figures from the Bible and Saints Figures from the Bible and Saints
firm/studio: C.E. Kempe
cartoonist: Wyndham Hope Hughes
designer: John Carter
Church of All Saints, Newbridge-on-Wye
sanctuary apse (window number: I)
  Saints Saints
firm/studio: C.E. Kempe
designer: John Carter
Church of St Cadoc, Llangattock-Vibon-Avel, Monmouthshire
south wall of the south transept (window number: sIII)
Further reading

Adrian Barlow, Espying Heaven: The Stained Glass of Charles Eamer Kempe and his Artists (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2019), pp. 15–23 and further references.

Adrian Barlow, Kempe: The Life, Art and Legacy of Charles Eamer Kempe (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2018), pp. 75–96 and further references.

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