Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Revd Francis Stephens (1921-2002)

Designer of ecclesiastical arts.
Francis Stephens trained at the Royal College of Art, studying and working under Martin Travers. He was the principal designer of the Faith Craft workshops from 1950 and was managing director by the time of its closure in 1968. He was ordained shorty after and continued to work as a freelance artist and designer while curate at St Mary's, Primrose Hill, London.

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Your search found 2 results
  Agnus Dei Adored by St Mary Magdalene and St Tadioc Agnus Dei Adored by St Mary Magdalene and St Tadioc
designer: Francis Stephens
Church of St Peter, Dixton, Monmouthshire
east wall of the chancel (window number: I)
  Christ with St Mael and St Sulien Christ with St Mael and St Sulien
designer: Francis Stephens
firm/studio: J. Wippell & Co. Ltd
Church of St Mael and St Sulien, Corwen, Denbighshire
south wall
Further reading

Joyce Little, Stained Glass Marks and Monograms (London: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies, 2002), p. 114.

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