Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

A. L. Moore (1849-1939)

Stained glass artist and designer based in London. Arthur Louis initially worked with S. Gibbs until about 1880, and then with his son (Charles Eustace Moore (1880-1956) as A.L. Moore and Son after about 1896. He retained control of the firm until his death.

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Your search found 3 results plus 1 tentative attribution.

Include tentative attributions

  The Crucifixion and Resurrection The Crucifixion and Resurrection
firm/studio: A. L. Moore
about 1887
Church of St Llyr, Llanyre, Powys
east wall of the chancel apse
image not available East Window
artist: A. L. Moore
about 1897
Church of St Llywel, Llanllowel, Monmouthshire
east wall of the chancel
  The Three Marys Visit the Empty Tomb The Three Marys Visit the Empty Tomb
artist: A. L. Moore
firm/studio: A. L. Moore & Son
about 1898
Church of St Mary, Spittal, Pembrokeshire
south wall of the nave
Further reading

Joyce Little, Stained Glass Marks and Monograms (London: National Association of Decorative and Fine Art Societies, 2002), p. 86.

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