Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

St George

  St George

Photo © Peter Jones

larger image

about 1898

Three-light window with St George in the central light. The side lights have shields with the red cross on a white ground.

artist: Christopher Whall

Christ Church, Govilon, Monmouthshire
south wall of the chancel

The side lights have text that is hard to read, but the window is in memory of George Grove, the first rector of the church from 1865 until 1897. He died 2 November 1897.

Christopher Whall was confirmed as the maker of the window by Peter Cormack, who noted the similarity of the figure of St George with windows in Milland (Hants) and Bracknell (Berks). If the date of around 1898 is correct it places the window among the earliest of Whall's collaborations with the studio of Lowndes & Drury.

Record added by Peter Jones, edited by Martin Crampin. Last updated on 31-07-2017


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Martin Crampin (ed.), Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth, 2017. (record added by Peter Jones) (accessed 26 December 2024)


  St George

Photo © Peter Jones

Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies

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