Scenes from the Life of Christ
about 1868
Five-light window. The scenes (left to right) are: shepherds adoring the new-born Christ with Mary and Joseph, who holds a lantern; Simeon holding the infant Christ presented by Mary and Joseph, with Anna behind; Christ ascending with six of the disciples below; Christ raising Jairus' daughter with Jairus, her mother and Peter and John; Christ holding a child and blessing a kneeling girl below, with a mother and child and two disciples. The Agnus Dei is depicted in a roundel above, flanked by angels and with the IHS and alpha and omega monograms below, these being flanked by the symbols of the evangelists.
firm/studio: William WailesChurch of St Beuno, Bettws Cedewain, Powyseast wall of the chancel
(ObjectID=3740 ImageID=6950) Original File Name=BettwsCedewain_DSC1383A.jpgRecord added by Martin Crampin. Last updated on 13-12-2011
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Show more subjects Click here for other works at this siteClick here for other works connected to William WailesFurther readingD. R. Thomas, The History of the Diocese of St Asaph (Oswestry: Caxton Press, 1908-1913), vol. I, p. 513.
Click to show suggested citation for this recordMartin Crampin (ed.), Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth, 2011. (accessed 6 March 2025)
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 Photo © Martin Crampin
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