Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Victorian Stained Glass

Martin Harrison

London: 1980

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People associated with this source
Burlison & Grylls  (1868-1953) pp. 43, 60, 76 and further references
Clayton & Bell  (1855-1993) pp. 29–33 and further references
Charles Clutterbuck  (1806-1861) pp. 35–6
G. E. Cook  (1844-1914) pp. 55–6 and further references
David Evans  (1793-1861) pp. 16-17
Alexander Gibbs & Co.  (1858–1915) pp. 27-8, 63, 77
Heaton, Butler & Bayne  (1852-1953) pp. 32–3, 78–9 and further references
Henry Holiday  (1839-1927) pp. 44–6, 52–5, 79–80 and further references
C.E. Kempe & Co Ltd  (1868-1934) pp. 46–7, 71–3 and further references
Lavers, Barraud & Westlake  (1855-1920s) pp. 33–4, 49–50, 80–1 and further references
Morris & Co.  (1861-1947) pp. 39–44, 48–9, 58–9 and further references
Michael and Arthur O'Connor  pp. 18, 81–2 and further references
F. W. Oliphant  (1818-1859) p. 19–20
Saunders & Co.  (1869-1880) pp. 54-5
Shrigley & Hunt  (1874-1982) p. 55
J. Silvester Sparrow  (1862-1929) p. 67
Ward & Hughes  (about 1836 - 1920s) pp. 22–3, 36–8, 83–4 and further references
William Warrington  pp. 17–18, 21–2 and further references
Christopher Whall  (1849-1924) pp. 64–9
Thomas Willement  (1786–1871) pp. 16, 84–5

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