Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Dennis King (1912-1995)

Stained glass artist and restorer. Dennis King took over his father's firm in Norwich, and latterly became a consultant of York Glaziers Trust.

For G. King & Son Ltd see the short feature in Vidimus (2007).

Search for further information about Dennis King on Google

Your search found 1 result
  St Andrew St Andrew
artist: possibly Dennis King
probably 1960s or 70s
Church of All Saints, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan
north wall of the north chapel
User contributed comments

My father Dennis George King died in 1995 not 1965
Submitted by: Jane Sandland nee King (2023-12-24 19:41:16)
Editor's response: apologies and many thanks for the correction.

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