Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Francis Spear (1902-1979)

Stained glass artist and lithographer. Francis Howard Spear trained at the Central School of Art and the Royal College of Art, and was an assistant to Martin Travers. From 1935 until 1940 he worked at The Glass House in Fulham, and set up his own studio in Surrey after the Second World War.

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Your search found 5 results
  Sanctuary Apse Windows Sanctuary Apse Windows
artist: Francis Spear
Church of the Resurrection, Ely, Cardiff
east wall of the sanctuary (window number: I, sII, sIII, nII, nIII)
  Baptistry Windows Baptistry Windows
artist: Francis Spear
Church of the Resurrection, Ely, Cardiff
west wall of the nave (window number: wI)
  Christ in Majesty with the Symbols of the Four Evangelists Christ in Majesty with the Symbols of the Four Evangelists
artist: Francis Spear
Church of All Saints, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan
west wall of the nave
  The Adoration of the Shepherds The Adoration of the Shepherds
artist: Francis Spear
Church of All Saints, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan
south wall of the south aisle
  Window for the Order of St John of Jerusalem Window for the Order of St John of Jerusalem
artist: Francis Spear
Church of St John the Baptist, Cardiff
Chapel of the Order of St John
Further reading

Alan Brooks, The Stained Glass of Francis Spear (Privately published, 2012).

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