Stained Glass in Wales | Gwydr Lliw yng Nghymru

Marjorie Walters

Stained glass artist. Marjorie Walters worked for Powell & Sons, and also taught at Swansea College of Art between 1960 and 1980.

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Your search found 2 results
  Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Mary Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Mary
firm/studio: Powell & Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd
designer: E. Liddall Armitage
designer: Marjorie Walters
Church of St Mary, Swansea
north wall of the Lady Chapel
  St Christopher with Local Scenes St Christopher with Local Scenes
artist: Marjorie Walters
Church of All Saints, Oystermouth, Swansea
west end of the nave (window number: nIX)
User contributed comments

As a student on the architectural glass course at Swansea School of Art in the late 1970s, I learned more from Mrs Marjorie Walters than from anyone. She was a superb draftsman, an amazing heraldic artist, and an excellent teacher. Even now, when making formal drawings, and particularly lettering, I never fail to hear her voice over my shoulder. She was most insistant, when drawing a rampant heraldic lion, that his ribs should show, and his "Floater" must be in full view. I will never forget her or her sense of humour and I feel genuinely privilaged to have been taught by her.
Submitted by: David Le Versha (2018-12-25 17:10:46)

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