St Barnabas and St James with Local Scenes

Photo © Martin Crampin, Imaging the Bible in Wales
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Two-light window with standing figures of the two saints. Below Barnabas is a scene depicting Bishop Henry de Gower's foundation of a hospital in Swansea and beneath James the University building, Singleton Park, Swansea.
firm/studio: Chapel StudioChurch of St Mary, Swanseasouth wall of the chancel
Inscription: 'This window was given in 1978 by Wilfred Raymond Jenkins for the Beautification of God's House and in memory of his wife Marjorie Clara Jenkins & other dear ones'.
Although installed some twenty years later, the window closely resembles the style of the earlier chancel windows by Powells. The mark of the firm may be seen in the lower left-hand light (as kindly pointed out by Peter Jones).Henry de Gower built the chancel of the church in which he is now depicted, as well as founding the hospital nearby. He was also responsible for many enlargements of St Davids Cathedral, where he was buried. (ObjectID=1795 ImageID=3766) Original File Name=_MG_4512.jpgRecord added by Martin Crampin. Last updated on 11-04-2013
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Click here for other works at this siteClick here for other works connected to Chapel StudioFurther readingA Short Guide to the Stained Glass Windows in St. Mary's Parish Church Swansea (Swansea: The Friends of St. Mary's, 2001 (second edition)).
ReferencesPainton Cowen, A Guide to Stained Glass in Britain (London: Michael Joseph, 1985), p. 226.
Click to show suggested citation for this recordMartin Crampin (ed.), Stained Glass in Wales Catalogue, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth, 2013. (accessed 4 March 2025)
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 Photo © Martin Crampin, Imaging the Bible in Wales
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